Here at Optimal Health Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we specialize in assisting our patients through home based exercise and physical rehabilitation.
Home physical rehabilitation uses simple, easy to use stretching and strengthening movement directed specifically at your problem areas to improve mobility, function, and even quality of life. By adding customized exercises to your care we can help you to improve your rate of results and to reduce your need for return visits. It is always goal is always to help you minimize the need for our services and maximize the rate and overall results of your treatments with home instruction for exercise and improved work and home ergonomics.
Dr. Henderson and staff will provide you with direct exercise instruction and printed instruction to take home, making sure that you capable and informed of the proper technique for exercises for maximum results. Our number one goal is to help you feel better and provide as many tools as possible to help you stay feeling better.
If you have any questions regarding home exercise counseling and home physical rehabilitation, contact us today at (507) 235-5505 (Fairmont) or (507) 847-2112 (Jackson).